As a registered higher education provider, ISBR is committed to ensuring that all the students enjoy and uphold an environment that is collegial, safe and respectful. ISBR is devoted to the safeguarding and elevation of its diverse and open community of students. Students are a key part of the School and their well-being, active participation and their success is vital to the mission of ISBR
This policy outlines the process and procedures involved with students in terms of their Code of Conduct, Grievance and mediation and student enhancement in academics. The policy aims to address the expectations and responsibilities of all students enrolled at ISBR and should be read in conjunction with the approved policies of the School.
This Code applies to all students enrolled with ISBR.
1. Student Code of Conduct
All students must:
2. Student Welfare & Enhancement
In order enhance the welfare and experience of students on campus ISBR:
3. Student Grievance and Sexual Harassment Redressal
4. Weak Student Policy
For Identification of weak students the faculties will identify the students based on the following parameters in respective subjects by the mid trimester:
5. Bright Student Policy
The outstanding student will be identified on the basis of their performance in academics and all other co curricular activities. This also involves active class participation and a high orientation towards research and learning as well.