About Our Care
Getlifecare.com is dedicated platform which cater as interactive platform for users, by providing health related services, information & product.
Getlifecare.com is aggressively working on creating exclusive blood donor’s database and where concerned citizens voluntarily register as blood donors to donate their blood in medical emergency. This same data can be utilized by the needy/users/members in the time of medical emergency for free and the users can also post a request for blood.
Getlifecare.com provides platform where needy/user can search for their blood requirement in emergency on basis of Blood group, Country, State, District, Area/Location, Pin/Zip code etc., and find suitable & willing donors in their geographical location/Area immediately.
Also getlifecare.com encourages & educates people towards registering one’s intention of donating their eyes. It is useful to declare your commitment and keep the family well informed of eye donation intentions.
Getlifecare.com takes extreme caution to protect the sensitive information & data of the user’s. The Donors can also opt to hide the Name or Contact number, so in emergency needy can only contact through Text/SMS or E-mail.
By default the female donor’s information will not be displayed on search list, unless the female user opts otherwise.
Getlifecare.com will be introducing Toll free number & hot line service in multiple languages to exclusively provide service to all kind of users in medical emergencies; especially keeping in mind the rural, digitally illiterate and non-internet accessible population.